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Townscape, Public Realm & Integration 

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Around Silo D, the new high quality public open space will provide opportunities for people to rest, play and socialise while visiting the site. The inspiration to design the public open space was taken from Pancras Square, King's Cross and HafenCity, Hamburg. 


The natural flow of people encourages people to walk from the piazza outside the Millennium Mills towards the Silo D. The pedestrian walkway will be accompanied by comfortable places to sit, unique fountains will create an attractive area for socialising. 

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Good quality walkway that is shown above in split up for two main uses: for pedestrians as well as for cyclists. The left photo shows you the walkway leading towards the Millennium Mills, whereas the photo on the right shows you the walkway along the water edge. It consists of comfortable seating benches and the whole walkway can be used during the evenings, as the street lightings will provide the safety in the area. 

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Silo D can be seen from the public open space, meaning the open space will accommodate the full potential of the heritage asset. 

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Various of playground will attract different ages to the public open space, representing that all age groups will be welcomed in the area. While the elderly will enjoy resting by the water fountains, small kids will be able to use the play areas.  

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